Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

Berikut ini adalah contoh latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018. Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris ini sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Semoga soal UTS Bahasa Inggris ini dapat membantu adik-adik yang akan menghadapi Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) 2.

Berikut ini adalah contoh latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas  Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

I. Answer the question based on the text !

Hi, I am Amanda. I have a brother. He is very handsome. When he was a baby, all of my family
likes him, because he is a funny. His skin is white and clean. His hair is black and his eyes are rather brown. Now he is seventeen years old. He has a thick black mustache. Many girls like him. Because he is very handsome and kind.

1. Who has a handsome brother?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

2. Why did all family like the baby ?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

3. What colour is the baby skin?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

4. How old is he now?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

5. Why do many girls like him?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. Nanda : “How old is Savina?”
Putri : “She is .... ”
a. smart
b. seven old
c. a student
d. beautiful

2. Where is Farhan’s house?
a. big
b. clean
c. luxury
d. on Lawu street

3. Riana : .... is your telephone number?
Dea : It is 081 235 678 000
a. Where
b. When
c. What
d. Who

4. on-Pahlawan street-lives-Indah.
The correct arrangement is ....
a. Indah on Pahlawan street lives
b. Indah lives on Pahlawan street
c. Pahlawan street lives on Indah
d. Indah Pahlawan lives on street

5. Kevin : Do you have a new telephone number?
Junio : Yes, ....
a. I do
b. I am
c. You do
d. You are

6. Lala is six years old. Tina is older than Lala. Talita is eight years old. If Talita is older than Tina, so Tina is .... years old.
a. five
b. seven
c. nine
d. ten

7. Fajar is seventeen years old. We can say that fajar is .... boy
a. baby
b. child
c. adult
d. adolescent

8. Our parents are ....
a. father and mother
b. brother and sister
c. grandfather and grandmother
d. son and daugther

9. My mother has a mother. She is my ....
a. grandfather
b. grandmother
c. aunt
d. daughter

10. brother – in – the clinic – Billy’s – works
The correct sentence is ....
a. Brother in the clinic Billy’s works
b. Brother works in the clinic Billy’s
c. Billy’s brother works in the clinic
d. The clinic works brother in Billy’s

11. Mr. Dani .... three son.
a. is
b. does
c. have
d. has

12. Our aunt is parent’s our ....
a. sister
b. nephew
c. cousin
d. niece

13. A : Does your uncle have a daughter ?
B : No, ....
a. he does not
b. she does not
c. he is not
d. she is not

14. A : Do you like cabbage ?
B : ....., I do not.
a. Yes
b. Not
c. Is
d. No

15. My sister makes sauce. She needs ....
a. chili
b. flour
c. leaf
d. banana

16. When we are sick, we go to ....
a. doctor
b. driver
c. teacher
d. writer

17. Mr. Handoko is a .... He goes to the sea everyday
a. farmer
b. fisherman
c. soldier
d. seller

18. My uncle has toothache. He has to go to ....
a. herbalist
b. doctor
c. dentist
d. mentalist

19. Mr. Jono is a farmer. He gets money from ....
a. selling fish
b. selling goods
c. selling clothes
d. selling his harvest

Berikut ini adalah contoh latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas  Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

Mr. Aryo is a ....
a. farmer
b. gardener
c. sailor
d. carpenter

21. Mr. Ahmad is a leader of SD Mentari. He is a ....
a. headmaster
b. vice principal
c. headman
d. class leader

22. Sailor works in the ....
a. farm
b. sea
c. market
d. garden

23. Keeping our country is a duty of ....
a. soldier
b. police
c. sailor
d. security

24. Mr. Heru is a member of Indonesian Army. He is a ....
a. security
b. police
c. soldier
d. sailor

25. Mr. Hamish always goes to one place to other place for his journey. He is a ....
a. driver
b. manager
c. seller
d. traveler

26. Fafa .... on Merbabu street
a. buys
b. likes
c. lives
d. looks

27. lives - Linda – village - in
The correct arrangement is ....
a. In village Linda lives
b. Linda lives in village
c. In lives Linda village
d. Linda in village live

Berikut ini adalah contoh latihan Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas  Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

Juwita : What is your mother doing?
Alfina : She is ....
a. sewing clothes
b. washing clothes
c. bringing clothes
d. selling clothes

29. Generally all people live in a ....
a. hall
b. field
c. hotel
d. house

30. Mr. Anas and Mr. Cipto live in one environment. They are as neighbor. So Mr. Anas’ house is .... to Mr. Cipto’s house
a. far
b. near
c. fast
d. slow

III. Fill the blanks correctly !

1. Father and mother are our .............................................................................
2. Mr. Doni is Yolanda’s uncle. Yolanda is Mr. Doni's ................................................
3. Kale, spinach, mustard are kinds of .................................................................
4. We can buy vegetables in the .........................................................................
5. A woman who acts in film is called ..................................................................
6. Mr. Andika is a ..................................................................... He flies the plane.
7. My father makes food in the restaurant. He is a .................................................
8. Our .......................................................................................... is teaching us
9. Nurse’s job is help the .....................................................................................
10. Book and stationary are things that needed by a ...............................................

IV. Translate into English !

1. Rumah Fahri dekat rumah Farhan
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

2. Ayu lebih muda daripada Nadia
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

3. Ayah Andi seorang pelaut
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

4. Rumah itu sangat mewah
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

5. Murid-murid sedang belajar di ruang kelas
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

V. Translate into Indonesian !

1. Tino’s house on Semeru street
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

2. Where does Yoga live?
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

3. They are husband and wife
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

4. Mr. Anam is watering flowers
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

5. The children are playing kite in the field
Answer : ...........................................................................................................................................

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Kunci Jawaban Room I
1. Amanda
2. Because he is a funny
3. His skin is white and clean
4. Now he is seventeen years old
5. Because he is very handsome and kind

Kunci Jawaban Room II

1. b. seven old
2. d. on Lawu street
3. c. What
4. b. Indah lives on Pahlawan street
5. a. I do
6. b. seven
7. d. adolescent
8. a. father and mother
9. b. grandmother
10. c. Billy’s brother works in the clinic
11. d. has
12. c. cousin
13. a. he does not
14. d. No
15. a. chili
16. a. doctor
17. b. fisherman
18. c. dentist
19. d. selling his harvest
20. b. gardener
21. a. headmaster
22. b. sea
23. a. soldier
24. c. soldier
25. d. traveler
26. c. lives
27. b. Linda lives in village
28. a. sewing clothes
29. d. house
30. b. near

Kunci Jawaban Room III

1. parents
2. niece
3. vetables
4. market
5. actress
6. pilot
7. chef
8. teacher
9. doctor
10. student

Kunci Jawaban Room IV

1. Fahri's house is near Farhan's house
2. Ayu is younger than Nadia
3. Andi's father is a sailor
4. That house is very luxury
5.The students are studying in the classroom

Kunci Jawaban Room V

1. Rumah Tino di jalan Semeru
2. Di mana Yoga tinggal?
3. Mereka adalah suami dan istri
4. Pak Anam sedang menyiram bunga
5. Anak-anak sedang bermain layang-layang di lapangan
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