Jenjang Bidang Administrasi Produksi
In the hierarchy of management, the middle management which breaks down the concepts and strategies set by the top management consisis of the manager of pmduction, marketing, personnel, finance and accounting, and administration. The classificatidn of managers belonging to the middle management is made on the basis of areas of work and expertise. The description of the scope of work of each area of management will be presented in the following. This classification of management complies with the principle of work distribution within the 14 principles of management stated by Henry Fayol
Pada jenjang manajemen, manajemen menengah yang menjabarkan konsep dan seni manajemen yang bersifat umum dari manajer puncak mencakup manajer produksi, manajer pemamasukan, manajer personalia, manajer keuangan dan akuntansi, serta manajer administrasi.
Manajer yang berada di jenjang manajer menengah tersebut yakni manajer yang dibagi sesuai dengan bidang yang ditangani dan keahliannya. Berikut ini akan dijabarkan masing-masing lingkup kiprah dari bidang manajemen tersebut. Pembagian manajemen dalam bidang-bidang ini seiring dengan prinsip pemberian kiprah dalam 14 prinsip manajemen berdasarkan Henry Fayol.
Production Management/Manajemen
Produksi We already know that production is an activity which changes raw materials into finished goods or an activity which. results in a service product that is consumable. In other words, the changing (transformation) process changes input into output.
Therefore, production management may be defined as the process of planning, executing, and controlling the activities of transforming input into output systematically. The scope of-work of a production manager includes the followings.
Seperti kita ketahui, produksi yakni aktivitas mengubah barang mentah menjadi barang jadi, atau produk berupa jasa yang sanggup dinikmati. melaluiataubersamaini kata lain, aktivitas pengubahan (transformasi) itu berarti mengubah input menjadi output.
Karena itu, manajemen produksi sanggup didefmisikan sebagai proses perencanaan beserta pelaksanaan dan pengawasan aktivitas transformasi dari output menjadi input secara sistematis. Tugas manajer produksi mencakup beberapa aspek hal-hal diberikut.
a. Designing Products / Rancangan Produk
In determining the design of a product, there are a number of things that needs to be considered, one of which is an analysis of people's needs and wants as well as the company's capability. Another thing which is equally important is quality control of the products which has to be planned by the production manager.
In determining the design of a product, there are a number of things that needs to be considered, one of which is an analysis of people's needs and wants as well as the company's capability. Another thing which is equally important is quality control of the products which has to be planned by the production manager.
Dalam menetapkan rancangan produk, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, antara lain analisis kebutuhan dan impian masyarakat sesuai dengan kemampuan perusahaan. Hal yang tidak kalah penting yakni pengawasan kualitas (quality control) haruslah direncanakan oleh manajer produksi.
b. Production Volume / Volume produksi
The volume of production needs to be plguad to ensure that the production process runs effectively, the marketing is optimal, and the company's money can be economized.
Jumlah yang akan dihasilkan perlu direncanakan supaya proses pengerjaan efektif, pemamasukan bisa optimal dan keuangan perusahaan sanggup dihemat.
c. Layout of production facilities / Layout akomodasi produksi
The layout of production facilities needs to be planned and arranged in such a way that production activities can run smoothly, effectively, and efficiently.
Layout atau tata letak akomodasi produksi perlu direncanakan dan diatur sedemikian rupa supaya aktivitas produksi sanggup berjalan lancar, efektif, dan efisien.
d. Planning of the stocks of raw materials and finished products - Perencanaan persediaan materi baku dan barang jadi.
The stocks of raw materials and finished products have to be planned and managed well to guarantee the production process runs well and marketing is not delayed, for instance because of the lack of stock of finished products.
Persediaan materi baku dan barang jadi juga harus direncanakan dan dikelola dengan baik supaya produksi berjalan lancar dan pemamasukan tidak terhambat, contohnya sebab belum sempurnanya persediaan barang jadi.
Sumber Pustaka: CV. Yrama Widya
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