Kronologi, Latar Belakang Dan Tujuan Kongres Sumpah Pemuda
Terjadinya Kongres Pemuda dan Sumpah Pemuda berawal dari kesadaran para cowok bahwa dengan adanya suatu perhimpunan atau federasi dari banyak sekali kelompok organisasi akan sanggup membentuk sebuah kolaborasi yang lebih besar lengan berkuasa dalam melaksanakan gerakan kebangsaan.
The event Youth Congress Youth Oath started of awareness of the youth that with existence of an association or federation or of various organizational groups would be able to form a stronger cooperation in performing the national movement.
The learners and students from various organizations started to merge into the Association of Indonesian Students which was founded in Jakarta, in September 1926. The Association of Indonesin Students was blazed by Sugondo, Suwiryo, Suryono, and Susdit.The association had three principles, resurgence of Indonesia, antithesis (opposition) against the government of the Dutch colonial, and non-cooperative. On 30 of April to 2 of May 1926 the Youth Congress I was carried out led by Moh. Tabrani of Jouth of Java.
Para pelajar dan mahasiswa dari banyak sekali organisasi mulai bergabung dalam Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar Indonesia (PPPI) yang didirikan pada bulan September 1926 di Jakarta. PPPI dirintis oleh Sugondo, Suwiryo, Suryono, dan Susalit. Asas PPPI ada tiga, yaitu kebangkitan Indonesia, antitesis (perperihalan) terhadap pemerintah kolonial Belanda, dan non-kooperatif. Pada tanggal 30 April-2 Mei 1926, diselenggarakan Kongres Pemuda I yang dipimpin oleh Moh. Tabrani dari Jong Java.
The purposes of holdingt the Youth Congress I were as follows. "Tujuan diselenggarakannya Kongres Pemuda I yaitu sebagai diberikut:"
a. Founding central board. "Membentuk tubuh sentral"
b. Improving the concept of nationality unitary. "Memajukan paham persatuan kebangsaan"
c. Advancing the relationship among all nationality youth associations. "Mempercepat hubungan diantara tiruana perkumpulan cowok kebangsaan"
b. Improving the concept of nationality unitary. "Memajukan paham persatuan kebangsaan"
c. Advancing the relationship among all nationality youth associations. "Mempercepat hubungan diantara tiruana perkumpulan cowok kebangsaan"
The congress was initiated by all youth associations as Youth of Java (1918), Youth of Sumatran Bond (1918), Youth of Ambon (1920), Harmo-nious Association, Youth of Minahasa (1918), Youth of Batak, Youth of Islamic Bond, Association of Pasundan (1914), Timor Association (1921), Group of Betawi (1923), and Tri Koro Dharmo (1915).
Kongres diprakarsai oleh tiruana perkumpulan cowok menyerupai Jong Java (1918), JongeSumatrguan Bond (1918), Jong Ambon (1920), Sekar Rukun, Jong Minahasa (1918), Jong Batak, Jong Islamieten Bond, Perkumpulan Pasundan (1914), Timorseh Verbond (1921), Kaum Betawi (1923), dan Tri Koro Dharmo (1915).
After the congress was over, a continuation conference was performed in August 1926, attended by proxies of Youth of Java, Youth of Islamic Bond, Youth of Sumatran Bond, and Youth of Batak. The conference decided in order that the effort which had been blazed in the youth congress I was carried on by forming coalition (youth federation).
Sesudah kongres selesai, diadakan konferensi lanjutan pada bulan Agustus 1926, yang dihadiri wakil-wakil dari Jong Java, Jong Islamieten Bond, Jong Sumatraen Bond, dan Jong Batak. Konferensi itu tetapkan supaya usaha yang sudah dirintis pada kongres cowok I dilanj utkan dengan membentuk fusi (federasi pemuda).
On October 27, 1928, The Association of Indonesin Students held Youth Congress II. The Congress performed three series of meetings.The first meeting was performed in the Catholic building of De Jonglinen Bond in Waterlod pein on October 27, 1928 night. The second meeting in the building of Oost Java Bioscoop in Koningsplein Noord on October 28, 1928 in the morning and the third meeting was carried out on October 28, 1928 night, in Building of Indonesische Clubhuis, Kramat 106 Jakarta.
A resolution ajuan which was designed by Muhammad Yamin, containing pledge or youth oath of one nation, one island, and one language Mdonesian was approved in the meeting. The meeting was attended by about 750 people consisted of proxies of youth associations.
A resolution ajuan which was designed by Muhammad Yamin, containing pledge or youth oath of one nation, one island, and one language Mdonesian was approved in the meeting. The meeting was attended by about 750 people consisted of proxies of youth associations.
Pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1928, PPPI menyelenggarakan Kongres Pemuda II. Kongres tersebut mengadakan tiga kali rapat pertemuan. Pada tanggal 27- Oktober 1928 malam, diadakan rapat pertama di gedung Nasrani De Jonglinen Bond di Water-loopein. Rapat kedua tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 pagi, di gedung Oost Java Bioscoop di Koningsplein Noord, dan rapat ketiganya pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 malam, diselenggarakan di Gedung Indonesische Clubhuis, Kramat 106 Jakarta.
Dalam rapat tersebut, disetujui, permintaan resolusi yang dirancang oleh Muharnmad Yamin, yang meliputi ikrar atau sumpah cowok satu bangsa, satu nusa, dan satu bahasa Indonesia. Rapat tersebut dihadiri oleh sekitar 750 orang yang terdiri dari wakil-wakil perkumpulan pemuda.
The contents of the Youth Oath are as follows. Adapun isi Sumpah Pemuda yaitu sebagai diberikut.
1. We are the Indonesian youth, acknowledge of one nation, Indonesian nation.
Kami putera dan puteri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
1. We are the Indonesian youth, acknowledge of one nation, Indonesian nation.
Kami putera dan puteri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
2. We are the Indonesian youth, acknowledge of one homeland, Indonesia fatherland.
Kami putera dan puteri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
3. We are the Indonesian youth, hold high the unitary language, Indonesian.
Kami putera dan puteri Indonesia, menjunjung bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.
The congress succeeded to specify the youth oath to be the basis for the struggle of the Indonesian youth in realizing the independent Indonesia. At the closing night, the song "Great Indonesia", composition of Wage Rudolf Supratman was first time presented by applying a violin. Hereinafter, the song was acknowledged as the national anthem by the Indonesian Nationalist Party, the Association of Indonesian Students, the Young Indonesian and most of all youth associations.
Kongres berhasil tetapkan sumpah cowok yang menjadi landasan bagi usaha para cowok Indonesia dalam mewujudkan Indonesia merdeka. Pada malam penutupan, lagu "Indonesia Raya", ciptaan Wage Rudolf Supratman pertama kali diperdengarkan dengan memakai biola. Selanjutnya, lagu tersebut diakui sebagai lagu kebangsaan oleh PNI, PPPI, Indonesia Muda dan hampir tiruana perkumpulan pemuda.
umber Pustaka: Yrama Widya
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