Contoh Bentuk Evaluasi Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
Penilaian Terhadap Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris.
✓ He speaks English and German fluently.
✓ His English is good and I suppose he should have no difficu.lty in adapting to the way of life in California.
✓ I found him a pleasant and cultured person with a good knowledge of both German and English.
✓ Although I have had no chance to hear his spoken English, he certainly has a good knowledge of written English.
✓ He should find no duduk kasus in communicating scientific matters and through this chance he would improve his ability to communicate verbally.
✓ Dr. Herry plans to improve his English before going to the United States.
✓ His knowled"ge of English is already quite adequate for him to work in any English-speaking group. In addi-tion, he undoubtely has the capacity toti.mprove his knowledge of English very quickly.
Paragraf epilog
✓ I am delighted to recommend Dr. Dihar to you and am sure that you would not regret it if you accepted her.
✓ I am confident that he would work effectively on your study.
✓ I consider that his new knowledge will be very useful to him in his future career.
✓ I believe Mr Loebis has both the intellectual ability and the character to do a successful research and I arn happy to recommend him warmly.
✓ I hope that you will consider his application for a Fellowship.
conclusion, I consider that Mr. Hasseem will make an outstanding research worker.
✓ I support his application for a Research Fellowship without reservation.
✓ I consider that Dr. Manik is a worthy candidate for a STAID Fellowship. Through the fellowship he would make good use of the opportunity to pursue a post-doctor agenda at MIT for two years.
✓ I am sure that with his knowledge and ability he will make an excellent postdoctoral fellow and will become a scientist of note in the future.
✓ I consider that Dr. Nur Wahid should be given priority when making a decision concerning candidate to select for the fellowship.
✓ In view of my previous remarks concerning the ability of Dr. Maleek, and because of the limited opportunities available 1n Indonesia for study abroad, I strongly support his application for a Graduate Fellowship.
I am confident that he will m.ake a substantial contribution to this area of research in Indonesia after completion of the Fellowship. I should be happy to give any other information concerning Dr. Maleek. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sumber Pustaka: Kesaint Blanc-Anggota IKAPI
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